Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Who am I?

I recently listened to a piece on NPR titled: "Memoir Project Gives Tips for Telling Your Story." It was recommended to me by an old teammate, Clara Hernandez, who knows me well. (Thanks, Clara!)

As a teacher, teaching writing to kids is my most favorite thing to do. I love the way students can develop their writing throughout a unit into amazing pieces that show so much about who they are. I also particularly love the unit I have taught on memoir writing. Although I didn't teach it this past year at ASB, I hope to do so in the future. In addition to loving to teach writing to kids, I also really enjoy writing myself (as you have probably noticed). I find that it's a great way to play with language, express myself, share stories and thoughts, and figure out what it is that's really on my mind. It's such a simple thing to do, yet can be so complex at the same time.

One thing that really struck me about this piece on NPR was the idea of figuring out who we are in order to angle a memoir in a particular direction. This will help a memoir to stay focused, as well as appeal to a certain audience. One of the things I say to my students more than any other is, "What is this really about? What are you really trying to say?"

So, of course, this has prompted me to really think about who I am. Here's what I've got so far! Who knows what I'll decide to do with it next.

a daughter
a sister
a friend
a teacher
an educator
a learner
an American
an ex-pat
a reader
a hard worker
a writer
a traveler
a lover
an adventure-seeker
a lover of good food, wine, and beer
a thinker
a person who loves to laugh
someone who enjoys the unexpected
a person full of passion for beliefs and people I care about

How would you describe yourself?

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