Tuesday, July 19, 2011

clases de espanol = super bien!

As I was thinking about my summer plans one weekend, I was reminded of the fact that I have a truly difficult time not being busy. The ability to sleep late, lay on the couch watching TV, and do basically nothing is something near impossible for me. (Only particular factors like a hangover, terrible weather, or extreme tiredness seem to make days like this a possibility.)

After one weekend day of doing basically nothing, I decided that signing up for intensive Spanish classes might be a wise decision. And they were! After five days last week, and another four this week for 3.5 hours a day in a class with only 1-2 other students, my Spanish has grown wonders! It's amazing how a great teacher, fun classmates, and the chance to just converse in Spanish for hours makes a world of a difference.

I'd felt like I'd hit a plateau for awhile and am finally starting to get over it. I can feel my brain working differently when I see, hear, and speak Spanish and I love it! It's reminded me of just how much I LOVE learning and being in class - yep, I'm a total nerd. :) I hope to take intensive classes again, whenever possible.

The key will be keeping this up after class - I think I'm going to buy a book to practice the grammar and I might actually study. (It amazes me that I have such bad study skills as a teacher!) Hopefully taking some private classes in the fall will make a difference, too. Most importantly, I have to make more Spanish friends - I MUST speak as much as possible. In the meantime, I'll just keep speaking Spanish to anyone who will listen (old men are my favorite), even if they keep speaking in English to me. :)

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