Monday, December 20, 2010

It's official!

Although I've been talking about it with my director and principal for the past few months, I can now officially say that I will be staying in Barcelona a bit longer! As of today, I have signed a two-year contract to continue working at ASB. I can hardly believe it!

When we originally talked about my staying, I hadn't expected signing on for anything more than a year. However, when Mark made the offer, I couldn't say no! I think two years was offered to guarantee me a position in case we don't keep three 5th grade classrooms after next year. (He also mentioned wanting to get a coaching model going in the next few years as well - thank goodness!)

In some ways, this is definitely a bittersweet thing. The "bitter" part is knowing that this is news some friends and family might not want to hear. I hate knowing that a decision I have made might make others sad. :( Yet, I'm so lucky that they continue to support me regardless of this! I know a few co-workers who aren't so lucky . . .

But this is a wonderfully "sweet" thing, too! I don't feel nearly ready to leave Spain yet - I feel like I have only just begun to travel and see what Europe has to offer. In addition, I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere with Spanish - taking classes for the last three months (and continuing them for at least three more!) has made a HUGE difference for me. I have also fallen even more in love with the Spanish lifestyle and culture - I'm so glad I get to continue enjoying it. Finally, knowing that I'm here for at least two more years gives me a sense of feeling like I can really start to "settle in." I can make decisions about apartments, purchases, savings, travel, and life that would be very different if I didn't know where I was going to be in the near future.

And so, this holiday season I am even more grateful than usual for where life has taken me, as well as the people I'm surrounded by, both literally and figuratively, who support me in it no matter what. I can't wait to discover what my continuing adventures in Spain will hold!

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