Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer, Summer, Summertime!

Every year since I first began teaching, I've been surprised by just how amazing summer vacation is. One would think teachers get used to this, but somehow I think many of us don't. Each summer seems to arrive after an inevitable end-of-year countdown and when it does, it's like we can finally exhale.

Over the past ten years, each summer has been a bit different. However, they all seem to include a bit of travel, time with friends, a visit to Indianapolis, lots of time outdoors, and relaxing. For me, summer is the time when I can finally decompress and find what I often seem to lose during the school year - my personal priorities. Although I believe my social life and work life have become much more balanced since moving to Spain, summer vacation is still much needed!

Although I don't believe it's why any teacher chooses this career, I do believe we would all agree it's a great perk. I hope to enjoy more reading, exercise, beach time, sleeping, friends, and relaxing in the upcoming weeks!

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