Friday, July 6, 2012

Out of my Comfort Zone

Last week, I was lucky enough to take a short trip to the Czech Republic and Slovakia -- my first time to Eastern Europe. As expected, it was quite different than Barcelona! 

Prague is an absolutely gorgeous city - the buildings, the rivers and canals, the spires everywhere - wow. Bratislava, although not quite as picturesque, was a beautiful place to visit as well. In both countries, I spent a fair amount of time outside of the main cities, particularly on transportation - trains, a bus, and a bike. What a different experience!

Old Town Prague

For the first time in awhile, I really felt outside of my comfort zone. Stopping at a train stop and having no idea if we were where we needed to be, with no signs and no one who seemed to speak English (after attempting to sleep upright for 6 hours) made for a somewhat stressful entrance to Bratislava! Boarding a bus in the middle of nowhere (AKA, Tessa's school) in hopes of making it to Prague, when the bus driver wouldn't accept my money, I couldn't understand a single word that I saw, and I kept waiting to be dropped off in the middle of a field, created a bit of anxiety, too! 

Yet, as uncomfortable as these moments were, I loved them! One of my favorite things about traveling and exploring new places is that small sense of anxiety; having to figure things out on your own. Because when you do, it's such a great feeling! 

I always look forward to my next adventures, especially the ones that will take me outside of my comfort zone yet again . . . 

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Welcome to central Europe :) You were SO close to Budapest!! Prague and BP are quite similar...though Prague fared a little better in the war and bounced back quicker post communism. Good travels!! Enjoy your summer Jenny!!
