Sunday, April 25, 2010

Feria - One of the Best Weeks in Seville!

All I have to say is that if you ever plan to visit Seville in the future, I highly recommend visiting during the week of Feria - it was amazing!! I went four out of six nights and each time I loved it a little more.

So what made it so great? I think it's a combination of things. First of all, seeing women in flamenco dresses of all colors, patterns, and styles was one of my most favorite things. Everyone looked so beautiful! I was able to wear a borrowed dress for one night and although it was a little tight, you feel so womanly wearing it! Between the dress, the flower, the earrings, the manton - it's like dressing up for an adult prom - I love it! Then there are the Spanish men (andextranjeros) dressed in beautiful suits and ties. They aren't too bad to look at, either . . . :)

Anna and I in flamenco dresses for the day!

Some of my business students who invited us to their caseta!

Then there are the casetas themselves. Beautifully decorated and filled with people drinking, eating, talking, and dancing. Sevillanas are constantly being played, either live or as a recording, and it seems that just about everyone knows them! It's so fun to watch men and women dancing to them.

In addition, we were lucky enough to have Spanish friends that invited us into their private casetas. This made such a difference - in the atmosphere and the people. It also meant that there were times we didn't have to spend quite so much money on rebujitos, which was quite a nice surprise! Apparently, the average Sevillano spends about 800 euros during the week of Feria. I am happy to say I spent less than 100!

Concha (one of Anna's students) and her husband Jose Luis invited us to a number of their casetas for their afternoon. It was such a fun day!

So, Feria basically is a week-long party! Lots of drinking, eating, laughing, dancing, and late nights - what a great combination! And, if I happen to stay in Seville another year, I will definitely be investing in my own traje de flamenca and sevillana lessons - that's my only regret so far. If planning a trip to Spain in 2011, try to make it to Feria - it's worth it!

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