Sunday, September 4, 2011

A New School Year Begins . . .

It's hard to believe, but I'll be starting my "first day of school" tomorrow as a teacher for the 10th time! It's amazing to me that even after all these years, I still feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Do I have everything prepared? Is there anything else I need to set up? Am I ready for the kids?

Since I was back at school a week early and had plenty of time to prepare, I can answer "yes" to all of the above questions. Yet, because teaching is a career that is always full of surprises, I know I will still be rushing around finishing things up tomorrow!

Although I can't say that I truly enjoy putting up bulletin boards, arranging furniture, and preparing copies, I can say that I love the newness of starting the year. I love opening new school supplies, organizing books and areas, and papers. I love the way the classroom looks neat and clean and seems to be begging to be filled up with students and learning!

As I finished up my room on Friday and finalized my first day of school plans, it made me realize how ready I am to teach again. I know how important "getting to know you" activities are, yet I have to force myself to do them instead of getting into the real teaching. I can't wait to share my love of reading and writing with kids, talk to them about matter and chemistry, help them learn about the relationships between numbers, and more! It's times like these that truly confirm teaching is what I'm meant to do - I love it so much.

So, since it's my final day before starting a new year, I have a few things to prepare for school and lots to do at home. And, as always, I have no doubt I won't be sleeping through the night. The excitement and anxiety of waking up on time, meeting my new class, and starting a new year will no doubt cause some restlessness! I can't wait to see what this new year will hold . . .

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