Monday, June 27, 2011

Year One of International Teaching - Complete!

Wow - I can hardly believe that my first year teaching at ASB is over! My kids and I were reminiscing about our year together, all of us shocked that it could already be finished. I was happy to see that it doesn't matter where you are or what group of kids you are working with, the end of the year is always crazy! I was consistently asked if we could have a party every day for the last week and saw many shocked faces when I told the kids they would actually have to do a little bit of work.

However, our last day was full of movie-watching, sharing letters with one another, yearbook-signing, and lots of junk food - it was perfect! Some students gave me gifts which were just incredible. It's clear how well they know me - I got multiple pairs of sparkly earrings, a beautiful summer scarf, a beach bag, and more. However, my favorite gift was definitely the power point describing why I was the "BTE" (Best Teacher Ever). I teared up as a few students read the sweetest letters to their friends and when one of my most favorite students waited until he was the last one left, hugged me, and told me how much he would miss me over the summer. Luckily, I know I will see all but one of these students again in September - it's amazing how much easier that makes the end of the year!

A few friends and I have talked before about how one of the best and worst things about teaching is the fact that you have such a concrete end and beginning every year. There's something refreshing and motivating about getting to start over each year, yet it can also be quite emotional to say goodbye to kids and teachers each summer. (I think the emotions that go with this are quite dependent on the group of kids you have!)

After spending the past week at the AERO conference in Washington, DC, I'm already feeling excited to start a new year! I think one of the best things I could have done professionally was to be a "new teacher" again. It's amazing how easy it is to get used to philosophies, systems, resources, and kids when you stay in one place for a long time. I feel like so much of this past year was about me finding my way, learning how to incorporate what I believe in and know to be good instruction into new systems and structures. Now that I know how ASB "works," I think next year will be even more productive for both me and my kids.

Although I'm excited to begin a new year, I'm even more excited for a vacation! No more teacher talk - look for posts about summer adventures coming soon!

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