Monday, February 1, 2010

Where has the time gone?!

As I was talking to Meredith yesterday, I realized that is has officially been six months that I have been living abroad. Wow! Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday I was wandering around the streets of Seville with 100 pounds of luggage in 115 degree heat . . . my, how times have changed - thank goodness!

I went on a wonderful walk by the river today and it gave me some time to reflect on my time here. It's interesting to me that I am missing some things more now than I did just a few months ago. For example, I miss Indy terribly and constantly wonder how he will react to seeing me in six months - he won't forget who I am, right?! I miss my friends, especially my girls, every day. I miss being able to talk to them without having to think about the time difference and the great advice they can give because they know me so well. I miss my family everyday, yet have been happily surprised by how much we are able to talk. I miss my job - the kids, my colleagues, the intensity, the professional learning - but not the stress. I miss the mountains. I miss my things -- not the superficial ones, but things like my oven, basic cooking supplies, and a house that's not falling apart.

With that said, the list of the things I love about living abroad would be equally as long! I must say, I feel beyond lucky that I took the risk of moving to Spain and had it work out even better than expected. I'm glad to know that taking risks, no matter how scary, quite often have positive results. And if they don't, at least you know. So, here's to six more months of taking risks, enjoying Spain, and trying not to worry about what will happen next! xx

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