Saturday, October 24, 2009

wonderful, but a little strange . . .

Emily headed back to Switzerland today after a wonderful week of visiting! It was SO nice to spend time with someone from home. Although I love my friends here, there's something so nice about old friends - not needing to worry about what is said, feeling able to totally be yourself, and talk about years shared. We spent many hours over coffee, tapas, and drinks reminiscing about Denver, teaching, our travels, and sharing the successes and struggles of our lives abroad. I loved every minute!

However, I have to admit that it was a little strange having a visitor in Spain! With Emily, it immediately felt like we were at 365 S. Williams - sharing stories, getting ready for a night out, etc. Yet, we were obviously in Spain! It felt like vacation, yet I still had to work. The reality is that I'm living here and somewhat scraping by, so I couldn't do some of the things I would normally do while traveling. (I also think the fact that the key to Spanish life is eating and drinking outside with friends made this even more difficult!)

I wanted to spend every day going out and doing something fun and exciting, but that's not how real life is. I amazed by the fact that it still doesn't seem like reality that I'm living here, probably because this reality is unlike any I've had before . . . As Emily noticed, it seems like vacation all the time!

Needless to say, it was a wonderful, wonderful week. I think I was really needing some connection to home, so the timing of Emily's visit was perfect. I wonder if the reality of my life will sink in sometime soon . . . ideally before my next visitors!

1 comment:

  1. Jenny-
    I am so glad you and Emily had a chance to see each other. It sounds like you had a great time.
