Sunday, August 30, 2009

Favorite CELTA Sayings

The past few weeks have provided so many great laughs - I hope to remember the moments by posting a few of my favorite here! (Sorry for those of you not in the class - I'm sure these don't seem all that funny!)

*Listen 3 times - all of us
*Every day is the same. I wake up tired, I spend all day tired, I go to bed tired. - James
*Oh yeah - Mike and the class
*Trevor, I'm thirsty - Akiko
*The word for bananas sounds a lot like the word for penises in Thai. You can imagine what I was unknowingly ordering at the market . . . - Mike
*You have a friend named Cristiano and you call him Cris. Cris + ps = crisps - James, attempting to drill the word "crisps" to our elementary students
*Language analysis - the language of love - Akiko
*Kyle's "Owl Hawk" story
*I'm going to express myself through the medium of dance. - James
*LASG - the language analysis study group - Akido, Katie, and I

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