Sunday, November 25, 2012

THE Topic of Conversation

Although I´ve quickly learned that there are many differences between international teaching and teaching in the states, the biggest difference I´ve noticed these days is a very specific topic of conversation -- So, what are you doing next year?

In the states, because (in my opinion) stability is highly valued - owning a home, a consistent job, having a family - people don´t tend to move around too often, unless they have to. So, conversations about changing jobs, especially in teaching, didn´t seem to occur all that often, unless it was for a change in position.

The world of international teaching is completely different! At this time of year, the conversation consistently centers around plans for next year (and it´s only November!). People are constantly asking if you´re staying or going, where you might go, when you´ll decide, etc. It´s crazy! Many people clearly know if they want to stay or if they want to go due to needing a change, more money, or just not enjoying where they are. But many people are in limbo, too.

This topic of conversation has again reminded me of my love/hate relationship with change. I love new experiences and the changes they can bring and I think change is essential and positive most of the time. But I also hate having to think about it! It gives me such an unsettled feeling.

I know I´m staying in Barcelona - at this point in time, I still love the city and have no desire to be anywhere else. (Of course it would be nicer to make a bit more money, live in a country with a strong economy, and feel like I´m living more in Spain than Catalunya, but . . . for the time being, all of that is not enough reason to move - yet. :) As I listen to others discuss what to do, I feel like maybe there´s some change I need to make that I´m not aware of! I start to feel unsettled and unsure - even though I AM really sure about my choice.

As I realized a few weeks ago, I think I need to make some changes so that I can personally feel more settled. Hopefully it´s as simple as finding a new apartment that´s a better fit and buying some things that make me feel more at home. It´s silly, but I think my own set of dishes, a new coffee pot, and the "wall of pictures" I´ve been envisioning might be all it takes to give me that feeling!

I know these conversations will continue to occur - it seems this is just the way things are in the international world of teaching. And sometimes, it makes me miss the stability of "home." Hopefully everyone will start to find their answers soon - for their sake and mine :)

1 comment:

  1. Jenny, love this blog entry. those same thoughts have been swirling around in my mind too. i've been playing with ideas of how to present my blog entry announcing to my friends back home that i'm staying and very content with my decision :)
    thanks for sharing. very nicely written!!
