Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dating Barcelona

I always find it interesting to hear girls talk as though having a guy around would change everything. I'll be the first to agree that having a man in your life that you really like and who really likes you, as well as some consistent love, can make for some very happy times! However, I also truly believe that you have to be happy on your own first - if you're not, no guy is going to change that.

One of my favorite things that Anne used to say is that when people asked her if she was dating anyone, her response was, "Yes, I'm dating Barcelona." :) Why is Barcelona so great to date? Well, there's always something new to do or see, he's consistent, he's warm, he provides cheap and delicious meals, and he's a lot of fun! Her point was that there is just so much to see and to do in this city, you can spend plenty of time just getting to know it and falling in love. (That Anne is always full of words of wisdom :)

Yep, it is pretty great to be dating Barcelona!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - just finished "Shadow of the Wind," easily one of the best books I've read in awhile. And I thought this line was a perfect confirmation of the above post:

    "This city is a sorceress, you know, Daniel? It gets under your skin and steals your soul without you knowing it." (p. 496)
