Wednesday, November 10, 2010

If you were an animal . . .

what animal would you be?

This question game provided many laughs while we were in Tunisia this past weekend. For some reason, I've been thinking about it ever since! It's a silly question, but such an interesting one when I really think about it. It's not a matter of what animal you would like to be, but what animal has a personality that's like yours . . . It takes a bit of reflection to figure it out!

Within our group of teachers, we had an alligator, a tiger, a crab, and a silver-backed gorilla.Although I didn't want to say it aloud at first, I had to admit that I think the animal that I'm most like would have to be a golden retriever! Why? For a number of reasons, I think - I'm happy almost all the time, I'm usually up for something fun, I like to hang out with people, I'm a morning person, I'm loyal, I usually do what I'm supposed to, and I have a lot of energy (most of the time). Although it's not too exotic to say, I've decided I kind of like being a golden retriever.

It's been pretty funny to think about this over the past few days! It's a pretty silly question, but it's one that makes for a very interesting conversation. So . . .

which animal are you?

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