Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ever wondered what that meant??

Since living in Spain, there are quite a few little things that have made their way into my emails and other forms of written communication. I'm not sure if you already understand what these things meant, or if you are just to polite to ask! Either way, here's the answer:

- "Jejeje/Jajaja" - since the /h/ sound is different in Spanish, this is what is written for "Hehehe/Hahaha" in emails or on things like FB chat. I LOVE the way that it sounds and it never ceases to make me laugh when I read it or type it!

- xx at the end of emails -- stands for "kisses," a very European way to end letters, emails, texts and conversations! I kind of love it! I have not adopted it into phone conversations yet ("un beso/besito!") but might attempt to soon!

Please let me know if there is anything I else I do that you have been wondering about! :)

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