Thursday, July 19, 2012

And the roller coaster begins . . .

Well, having Lauren visit was just as great as expected! We had SO much fun - exploring the city, enjoying tapas and drinks, going to the beach, and sightseeing. However, the best part for me was definitely just being together. Not since we lived together in Denver (circa 2005) have we had that much time to just hang out and talk. Although we cover a lot over the phone, it's the big details we share, not the small ones. It was so wonderful to just be together and have many meaningful, and pointless, conversations. Without a doubt, this trip confirmed that we really are "best friends forever." :)

At the nighttime tour of Gaudi's La Pedrera - we loved it!

Whenever I have visitors, I always seem to feel a little off balance.  At times I have to remind myself that I really am still in Barcelona, not at home. It's amazing how quickly we can pick up where we left off. I had a feeling I might be a bit sad when Lauren left this morning . . . and I was right. Getting to spend so much time together and having so much fun, followed by honestly not knowing the next time we will see each other causes a mix of emotions. Of course it's more than worth it, but it doesn't make it any easier in the moment.

I haven't been home in over a year, so the fact that I leave tomorrow for the US is pretty crazy, too! I've been packing up and trying to wrap my head around the fact I'll be gone for three weeks while visiting four different cities. I'm also trying to prepare myself for the emotional roller coaster that has just begun. I'm SO excited to see my family and friends, spend time catching up, enjoy favorite foods, and visit particular places. However, if this visit is anything like my previous ones, I know leaving is going to be equally difficult. Knowing I chose to live so far away and the fact that my choices make other people sad causes me to feel so much guilt (even though I know my friends and family support my decisions - thank you!). I can kind of ignore this when we're apart, but it's so not so easy in person. 

The older I get (or the longer I'm gone?) the harder these hellos and goodbyes seem to be - saying goodbye to Liz, Indy, and Michael last summer about did me in! So as I pack my bags and double-check that I have everything I need, I'm doing my best to concentrate on the positive feelings and excitement and just accept that some sadness has to go along with them. My roller coaster ride continues tomorrow morning and I know it's going to be a lot of fun before I reach the end :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Two More Days!!!

I can hardly believe it, but in less than 48 hours, Lauren will be here! My excitement is palpable! I've been trying to figure out just why I'm SO excited about this special visitor. I think it's a combination of the fact that I haven't seen Lauren in two years, yet have spoken with her in the past year more than anyone else, we get to spend 4.5 days together (more than we have in probably six years), I get to show off the amazing city of Barcelona, and I get to share my real life with one of my best, best friends in the world.

Although Emily has been here a number of times, none of my other closest B.S. (before Spain :) friends have visited Barcelona since I moved here. I feel like I'm living this life that I share with my friends here and can talk about on the phone or write about in a blog, but no one actually gets to see it. And because I love it so much, I want everyone that is closest to me to have the chance to experience life in Barcelona. Even though it will only be for a few days, I feel confident that Lauren will really get to see what my life is like here in that time.

I feel SO lucky knowing that Linsey and Chris will be here in just a few weeks AND the whole Killion family will be here over the holidays -- I'll definitely get to share my life a number of times in 2012!! (Liz and Kevin - do you think you can arrange another trip to Barcelona?! :)

And so, the countdown to Lauren's visit continues! The days are (loosely) planned, restaurants and bars have been chosen, and the guest room set up. Even though it's been two years, I have no doubt it will seem like only a day or two has gone by when I meet her at the airport Saturday. I'm anticipating the laughter already! :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fitness in Barcelona - finally!

I knew it was bound to happen at some point, but it was about four months ago that living in Spain seemed to visibly catch up with my body (I imagine turning a year older didn't help, either!). Apparently one can't drink more often, consume more bread, cheese, and olive oil, and exercise less frequently without there being some negative consequences. 

One of the main things I love about living in Spain is the focus on social life - enjoying food and drinks with friends, staying up late, and basically just living life to the fullest. Unfortunately, this takes its toll! And when commuting almost two hours a day to work, one of the first things to go was consistent exercise.

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, one of my favorite things about summer is having the time and the motivation to re-prioritize. With a very open schedule for the past week and a half, I've been determined to make exercise and healthiness one of my top priorities. There is truly NO excuse not to do something every day.

My favorite new discovery has been Beach Fit Barcelona. I had heard about this through a few different people and decided to check it out. I'm so glad I did! It's basically boot camp on the beach. It brought back memories of high school volleyball practice, as well as Half Hour Power with Howard. Imagine lots of sprinting, running in the sand, push-ups, and core training, all taking place from 7-8am. After last Friday's class, I was the most sore from exercise that I've been in three years!  It was physically difficult to get out of my bed on Saturday, but it was such a good feeling. 

This reminded me of just how hard I use to work out at home and how much better my body felt because of it. Although I really appreciate that the Spanish value curves and a more balanced  life than the USA, sometimes I miss the American obsession with weight and exercise. In the Mediterranean, people are generally healthy due to their diet (small meals made of fresh, fresh food) and all of the walking they do as part of daily life. But for someone like myself, exercise is necessary for me to feel good about my body, particularly as I get older. This is a balance I have to personally find.

I look forward to continuing these classes before and after my trip to the states. Not only is the exercise fantastic, it's also a really nice, fun group of people. The trick will be continuing to make exercise a priority when those school hours begin . . .

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Travel and Optimism

My parents, knowing me oh so well, recently sent me Paul Theroux's The Tao of Travel. Theroux shares thoughts about travel through the published pieces of many others. It's been so interesting to read about different perspectives and ideas about travel, particularly based on when and where the author was traveling.

As a lover of travel and an eternal optimist, these two quotations below struck me the most so far. I look forward to reading more!

"Travel, its very motion, ought to suggest hope. Despair is the armchair; it is indifference and glazed, incurious eyes. I think travelers are essentially optimists, or else they would never go anywhere." - from Fresh Air Fiend

"Travel is at its most rewarding when it ceases to be about your reaching a destination and becomes indistinguishable from living your life." - from Ghost Train to the Eastern Star

Summer, Summer, Summertime!

Every year since I first began teaching, I've been surprised by just how amazing summer vacation is. One would think teachers get used to this, but somehow I think many of us don't. Each summer seems to arrive after an inevitable end-of-year countdown and when it does, it's like we can finally exhale.

Over the past ten years, each summer has been a bit different. However, they all seem to include a bit of travel, time with friends, a visit to Indianapolis, lots of time outdoors, and relaxing. For me, summer is the time when I can finally decompress and find what I often seem to lose during the school year - my personal priorities. Although I believe my social life and work life have become much more balanced since moving to Spain, summer vacation is still much needed!

Although I don't believe it's why any teacher chooses this career, I do believe we would all agree it's a great perk. I hope to enjoy more reading, exercise, beach time, sleeping, friends, and relaxing in the upcoming weeks!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Out of my Comfort Zone

Last week, I was lucky enough to take a short trip to the Czech Republic and Slovakia -- my first time to Eastern Europe. As expected, it was quite different than Barcelona! 

Prague is an absolutely gorgeous city - the buildings, the rivers and canals, the spires everywhere - wow. Bratislava, although not quite as picturesque, was a beautiful place to visit as well. In both countries, I spent a fair amount of time outside of the main cities, particularly on transportation - trains, a bus, and a bike. What a different experience!

Old Town Prague

For the first time in awhile, I really felt outside of my comfort zone. Stopping at a train stop and having no idea if we were where we needed to be, with no signs and no one who seemed to speak English (after attempting to sleep upright for 6 hours) made for a somewhat stressful entrance to Bratislava! Boarding a bus in the middle of nowhere (AKA, Tessa's school) in hopes of making it to Prague, when the bus driver wouldn't accept my money, I couldn't understand a single word that I saw, and I kept waiting to be dropped off in the middle of a field, created a bit of anxiety, too! 

Yet, as uncomfortable as these moments were, I loved them! One of my favorite things about traveling and exploring new places is that small sense of anxiety; having to figure things out on your own. Because when you do, it's such a great feeling! 

I always look forward to my next adventures, especially the ones that will take me outside of my comfort zone yet again . . .