Thursday, August 23, 2012


As expected, my trip to the states this summer was fantastic! Barbecue chicken wraps from Gov's Park, Chipotle,  air conditioning, Target, driving, amazing professional development, English - just a few of the things I loved experiencing again. But without a doubt, the best part was spending quality time with family and friends. Whether it was time at home with Mom and Dad, family dinners, walks with Indy, lunches and dinners with best friends, or drinks with friends I hadn't seen in awhile, it's the people that make the trips home wonderful. As always, once I'm with great friends, it's almost like I never left - I love it. (With that said, the changes in little ones is making that aspect a bit more difficult!)

However, on this trip, it became more clear than ever before how much I feel like I don't fit in in the states anymore. It's a really weird sensation! It's been three years now since I left and although the people still feel so right, the place so doesn't. I found myself constantly freezing in air conditioning and bundling up, just like the Spanish do (yikes!). By the end of the trip, I was longing for smaller portions and meals that included sitting and relaxing, not being eaten in a rush. The feeling of over consumption seemed to be coming from all directions! I couldn't take the thought of spending another penny on transportation or food or tipping. And I missed the sound of Spanish desperately.

I know some extenuating circumstances, such as attending conferences in expensive cities like Boston and New York, contributed to this. Like I said, seeing everyone could not have made me happier! But by the end of three weeks, all I wanted was to be back in Barcelona.

Arriving back in my city felt so right! After unpacking, visiting my favorite coffee shop and corner store, and speaking Spanish to my neighborhood guys, I started to feel at home again. Once I walked by the La Seu cathedral and went for a run by the beach, I couldn't have been happier. I was again reminded how something about this city just suits me.

I vividly remember the post I wrote about "home" the first time I returned to the states two years ago after my year in Seville. I still feel that Indianapolis is my home, as well as Denver. Yet, it's becoming clearer and clearer that Barcelona is where I feel most at home these days.

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