Thursday, February 2, 2012

One of the not-so-easy things about living abroad . . .

As I'm sure it's clear from my posts, I absolutely love living abroad, especially in Spain. The people, the weather, the lifestyle, the language - all of it is amazing! However, in the past week or so, I've been reminded just how difficult it can be to live in a different country, particularly when not fluent in the language.

I was pretty sick before the holidays with the typical flu. Although that eventually went away, I was left with a pretty deep cough that has lasted for over a month now. I haven't felt too bad, but am constantly coughing, which led to inflamed muscles between my ribs - pretty uncomfortable! Last week the doctor told me there was nothing I could do besides try not to move too much and take pain relievers. Although I stopped exercising (adios, New Year's Resolution #1!), I kept working because it's such a pain to write sub plans, miss school, etc. Unfortunately, teaching, talking, and laughing haven't improved the cough at all and I've been pretty miserable.

I'd visited the doctor here a number of times. Although she's nice, she's pretty intimidating! And I usually understand about 80% of what she says. (She's not particularly good at checking for understanding!). So, I decided to go to the ER in order to get a chest x-ray based on the advice of a number of people at school. After 3 hours there, I was happy to find out that there's no infection, but unhappy to hear that again, there's nothing I can do. The doctor there suggested I not work for the rest of the week. I opted to take her advice this time and go on the baja - basically the Spanish equivalent of work leave - I think! Not knowing that I needed that form at the time, I had to return to the doctor yet again today to get the paperwork necessary for school.

Wow - what an experience it has been! I have to say, living in a country where the health system is SO different than what I was used to in the US, as well as the fact that I have yet to encounter anyone who speaks English has been quite a stressful experience! I love practicing my Spanish, but when it comes to medical matters, I would much prefer to understand 100% of what was happening than improve my language skills.

Although I made it through all of these experiences in the past week, I'm still not convinced that I really know what's going on with my health! If nothing else, I got my first baja, watched the entire "Game of Thrones" series in 24 hours (it's amazing!), read two books, watched multiple movies and done some great vacation planning. Hopefully I can make it through the next three days without going completely stir-crazy AND actually beat this cough!

And I have to say, I'm a bit proud of myself, and anyone living in a foreign country, for getting through these type of situations. Maybe I'll study some Spanish medical vocabulary this weekend . . .

1 comment:

  1. Love the new look, Jenny. You're getting even more creative! Mom
