Monday, June 27, 2011

Starting Summer in the USA

Now that I'm at home in Indy with my mom and dad, I finally feel like summer has begun! The end of the year in Barcelona was quite frantic due to leaving school almost a week early - there was SO much to be done in my classroom before heading out, along with grades, paperwork, etc. It was also quite surreal to be in Washington, D.C. (a place that is about as "American" as you can get) with co-workers and friends from ASB, as well as surrounded by people who literally teach all over the world! Needless to say, last week did not feel like I was back home on summer vacation.

This transition to the US has definitely been easier than last summer. Although I still feel surprised to hear everyone around me speaking English, I don't automatically want to speak to everyone in Spanish, either. (And no, I am nowhere near speaking Spanish fluently!) I'm again amazed by the space and distances in the US, how cities are so not set up for walking, the huge portions of food, and the wonderfully large glasses of ice water you get at restaurants without even asking.

There is something about being able to understand everything around me, knowing where to go for what I need, and being with friends and family that is instantly relaxing. My mom's amazing meals, sleeping in my old, old bed, having coffee with my dad - some things will forever be "home."

I look forward to spending the next two weeks with friends, family, and Indy, as well as trying to do as many "American" things as possible. With the barbecues, baseball games, fireworks, and happy hours planned, this should be easy!

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