Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sevilla So Far . . .

Well it´s been about 24 hours now, and besides the heat, I love everything about Sevilla so far! I got into town with no problems at all. However, finding my apartment was another story! No one I talked to, pedestrians and cab drivers alike, had ever heard of Calle Infantes. With the way that no streets run parallel or perpencicular and many don´t have names posted, it´s no wonder I struggled to find it. (As difficult as it´s been to find my way around, the narrowness, cobblestones, and bright colors of the streets are lovely and very reminiscent of Valporaiso, Chile - I love them!)

After 30 minutes of walking around with 100lbs. of baggage in 100 degree weather, I gave up and got a cab. We spent another 30 minutes driving around attempting to find the place! It was all worth it though when Angel (the cab driver) carried my bags down the street to my apartment door, gave me his number in case I need another ride, and kissed both my cheeks!

My room is really nice - small, yet comfortable. I´m very glad I couldn´t pack any more - I don´t think it would have fit anywhere! There´s no air conditioning, which I expected. Surprisingly, sleeping in 90 degree temperatures (according to my Brookstone clock) wasn´t bad at all. A good thing, considering I´ll be doing so for the next 6 weeks!

I´ve spent the day exploring the city and being constantly amazed at what I see. The buildings are so old and ornate; the cathedral I visited today was unlike anything I´ve ever seen - huge, elaborate, and containing the tomb of Christopher Columbus!! I enjoyed a late lunch of tapas (a plate of manchego with crackers and a plate of chicken curry) along with dos cervezas. I LOVE how so much is centered around eating, drinking, and relaxing here - it´s amazing. I also see why siestas and late dinners are necessary! I also feel like my Spanish is quickly coming along - with so few people to speak English to, there´s no choice but to practice!

I´m looking forward to meeting people at class tomorrow, as well as learning some more about the city and logistics of my stay . . . And now I must attempt to find my way back home - thank goodness I only have one small bag with me today! I think a stop for some coffee might be necessary . . .


  1. Jenny! Estoy muy celosa! It sounds absolutely amazing. Love the blog--I will need it to get througn my year, so that I can live vicariously through you! Glad you made it safely, Miss you!
    <3 Jessica

  2. OMG! I'm so excited for you!
    Wish I could have said "adios" while I was in Denver visiting, before you left. I am so happy for you and wish you much success.

    My flamenco teacher in collage told us about a great 2 week dance off (aka flamenco festival) in Sevilla in March/April. You gotta do it if you're still there!

    keep in touch!
